Thursday, April 7, 2011

trazodone nighmares

Hey all. More crazy drug experimentation for ya.

The anxiety has me waking up all night--bad for anxiety. So my doctor gave me trazodone, an old school antidepressant that’s becoming increasingly popular as a sleep aid. For some, it’s a miracle drug. The only thing that works. For some, it gives you horrible nightmares that keep you waking up all night. I got the latter.

The nightmares weren’t too horrific. No halving mom with a chainsaw. Just a series of dreams where someone wrongs me and I angrily confront them. The most amusing:

Me and my friend Matt deliver a pizza to insult comedian Jeffery Ross (hilarious vid of him roasting Pam Anderson), who is inexplicitly living in an RV. He pays for the pizza with a strange looking, oversize silver credit card. Upon running it, I see my name on it. I confront him as politely as possible. He denies it. Anger increasing, I bring up my bank account on my phone to prove it. He still denies it, and starts pacing around and ranting with a wild, Charlie Sheen look on his face. Matt is trying to get me to leave it alone. Probably because he wants to network, I think. I eventually get him to reverse the charge somehow and leave.

1 comment:

  1. Your subconscious has a low opinion of me. I gave up networking so I could bike around the mission with you, remember.

    Also, I'd like a giant over-sized silver credit card. It would make buying things more fun.
